SMARTrenew to feature at the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) Climate Taskforce event

The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) Climate Taskforce event takes place at 1.30pm GMT, (2:30pm CET) on Tuesday the 26th January, where partner, Donegal County Council, will be featuring project SMARTrenew.

The European Climate Pact will be key to deliver the European Green Deal and to ensure that regions and their communities will be able to contribute to, be part of and benefit from the ecological transition.

Peripheral and maritime Regions are already acting to deliver a climate neutral Europe and the event will be an opportunity to explore the contribution they can give to the Pact as well as show their work and discuss on challenges and opportunities.

In the first part of the event, the European Climate Pact and its objectives will be presented and how regional and local authorities can contribute to it.

In the second part, Members of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) will present and discuss on their action to counter climate change and contribution to the European Green Deal objectives in different areas of the Pact from green skills to awareness raising as part of the CPMR ‘Regions Act!’ initiative.

The Regions Act! initiative was launched by the CPMR to show the work its members are undertaking for a climate neutral Europe and to foster the exchange of best practices. The results of the initiative will also be presented during the event. 

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