SMARTrenew Pilot Showcase Event

SMARTrenew presents a pilot showcase event, December the 2nd, at 1pm (GMT). During this event SMARTrenew partners will profile 6 renewable energy and energy storage pilots across 7 regions of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Area.


  • Dr Nick Timmons, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ireland

Pilot: Solar array with battery storage and grid back-up to power EV slow charging stations

  • Bjarti Thomsen, Umhvørvisstovan (Environment Agency), Faroe Islands

Pilot: Borehole thermal energy storage combined with water storage

  • Øystein Kleven, SINTEF Research Institute, Norway 

Pilot: Remote monitoring of solar, wind, and temperature together with energy consumption, to reach an off-grid solution using optimal mix of renewables

  • Sanna Hiltunen, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Pilot: Heat storage to reduce oil use in Kuusamo district

  • Ragnar Ásmundsson/Sigurður Friðleifsson, Iceland Energy Fund, Iceland

Pilot: Conversion renewable mix of biomass, wind, solar and battery storage in Grimsey Island, Iceland

  • Peadar Espey, Donegal County Council, Ireland

Pilot: Retrofit of existing public buildings with pumped insulation, solar array, and air-to-water heat pumps

  • Leo Strawbridge, Derry City and Strabane District Council

Pilot: Retrofit of existing public buildings with intelligent wireless heat management system

Click here to register for the SMARTrenew Pilot Showcase Event