As part of EU Green Week 2021, the NPA Interreg SMARTrenew project hosted an event exploring the adoption of geothermal energy in across Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Finland, and probing how public funding and policy decisions can accelerate geothermal utilisation across EU communities, to achieve a reduction in pollutants and CO2 emissions that contribute to Climate Change.
This event considered the challenges and learnings in geothermal adoption, exploring multiple regional perspectives and showcasing best practices with contribution from energy leaders across the EU.
Click on the speaker name below to download copies of the event presentations. Contact details have also been provided for each speaker, should you have any further queries in relation to the event.
Nick Timmons, Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Contact: nick.timmons{at}
Meinhard Eliasen, Faroese Energy Department
Contact: meinharde{at}
Asmo Huusko, Geological Survey of Finland
Contact: asmo.huusko{at}
Annu Martinkauppi, Geological Survey of Finland
Contact: annu.martinkauppi{at}
Ragnar Ásmundsson, Energy Fund Iceland
Contact: rka{at}
Sigurdur Fridleifsson, Energy Agency Iceland
Contact: sif{at}