SMARTrenew is a project funded under the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014 – 2020 with an allocated budget of €1.6 million.
The aim of SMARTrenew is to transfer to knowledge from partners across the NPA region to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of renewable energy sources and implement innovative and sustainable energy storage solutions.
SMARTrenew Good Energy Practices Guide
2nd and 3rd October 2019
The Second SMARTrenewSteering Group Transnational Meeting will take place on between the 2nd and 3rd of October in Akureyri, Iceland. There the SMARTrenew partners will visit local companies focused on energy, renewables, heating and waste management.
The partners will be discussing potential pilot projects to promote and enhance Smart Renewable usage and help address energy poverty in rural regions.
3rd - 4th April 2018
The first SMARTrenew Steering Committee was hosted by NORUT in the city of Narvik, Norway. The partners received presentations focussed on cold climate research and renewables. Nordkraft presented the challenges with building and operating hydropower and wind farms.
The Norwegian Water resources and Energy Directorate have digitally mapped all rivers to allow modelling of potential power from hydro-power see ( There is potentially a power surplus in northern Norway and some weeks when Norway needs to import energy, especially when rivers supplying hydro power freeze up and wind is low. Norut presented the unique challenges of solar power in northern Norway and some of the innovative technical solutions being adopted including the use of bifacial panels which are less sensitive to high latitudes and dual axis tracking systems. The team also visited LKAB who ship iron ore pellets on a massive scale from Sweden via heavy haul electric train for further processing.